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Futuristic Security Council


  • President: Minakshi Mangal

  • Vice-President: Oshin Sharma

  • Rapporteur: Niral Shah


Inspired from the theme of the confrence the Futuristic Security Council will act as the Security Council of the future and discuss the biggest problems in the future, in 2045 such as the problem of replacement of human soldiers with drones and how problems of present would shape the world in the future.


President's Address

Dear delegates,

As chairperson of the Futuristic Security Council, I feel honored to host you in the Daly Emerald Model United Nations 2015. 
Winston Churchill once said – “To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often” 
Today, I see that change is not to stand on the brink, staring down into the unknown as the familiar morphs and shifts into the unfamiliar. It is a collective, gradual process, the only constant in our lives. Ergo, as a delegate of this Futuristic Council which renders change 30 years ahead, you will have to stand amidst shifting ideas, dialogue and crises with logic and principle to create solutions that have never been thought of before. The agendas too, adhere to such ideas: 


·         A. Nuclear possessions in the middle east

·         B. Replacement of human soldiers with drones


Since these agendas portray circumstances in the future you are expected to be thorough with the study guide and refer to the foreign policy document if needed which could guide a few in the committee. It’s advisable for you present your ideas not only creatively but realistically since delegates seem to forget that this unconventional committee is not based on fictional ideas. 
So stand up, claim your place as we make our contribution to the new world order, our new world order. 
For any queries regarding the agenda or otherwise feel free to contact the executive board at 
Minakshi Mangal 


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