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Letter from the Director

"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."

-Sun Tzu


Dr. Sumer Bahadur Singh

Principal  & Director

Daly College

Dear Delegates,




DC and EHIS families look forward to jointly hosting a very fruitful and stimulating MUN as also a comfortable stay. By including a few conventional and unconventional committees our students have catered for varied interests and I am sure that each of you has chosen well the committee that best suits you.

Our world is progressing at a very quick pace. Sit back and think why this is happening, why is it that before we can even celebrate a major technological breakthrough there is an even better one that has emerged. This is because there are dedicated people working 24/7 to make your future better.

But, on a slightly bleaker note, have you noticed the changes in the environment? The extinction of many species of flora and fauna; the sudden weather changes; depleting resources: the result of what we did yesterday.

Clearly our children’s future will be shaped by actions, both positive and negative that we take today.

Therefore, it is for the young minds like you to put your heads together and act now to secure a future of which you can be proud. You can make a difference.

The MUNs you attend give you the platform to join hands and give a serious thought to what you want 

your future and that of your children to be like. I hope you evolve progressive solutions at the DEMUN2015. I also wish you the very best and a good stay in our city. 







Mr. Siddharth Singh


The Emerald Heights International School

Dear delegates and faculty advisors,

I welcome you all to the inaugural session of the Daly-Emerald Model United Nations conference. Both the host schools, The Daly College and The Emerald Heights International School believe in the philosophy that the modern day student is no longer just a mere student but a potential source for inspiration, leadership, diplomacy, and love for humankind. The conference is an active measure to tap into this resource. The conference is an entirely student run initiative and consequently has elements of great appeal to young adults.


Our world has descended into grave and inhuman times and the only source of light to shine the way through the darkness is brotherhood and sensitivity. We hope that the conference gives us all an opportunity to introspect and find ways to overcome the partitions set out by way of society, borders or language. Take your role as a delegate seriously because when you step into the shoes of a diplomat, do realize that it is not mere statistics that you quote from a Reuters' report but what you talk about are actual children dying of starvation in Africa, journalists being beheaded by terrorist organizations and epidemics of deadly diseases spreading across nations. Understand that the fate of many lives rests in your hands and it is your responsibility to ensure that they are protected. Make full use of the Daly-Emerald Model United Nations conference, learn and enjoy as much as you can and you will surely leave as a better human being.

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